
ʱ�䣺2017-07-27 17:44:58 �߿�Ӣ������ ��ҪͶ��


����i live in a small town which is surrounded by many moutains .we call the town longju. the name of the town sounds interesting .in fact ,it's based on a holy story ,once upon a time ,there was a cave named white horse cave. two white flying horses and a dragon lived in it .there were also plenty of jewellery and many other valuable things in it .


����on day three thieves came into the cave wanting to stole those expensive things .in order to prevent the 3 thieves from taking away those things , the dragon and the two horses conflicted with the 3 thieves . but unfortunately the dragon and one horse were killed by the cruel thieves .the other horse flew away from the cave and never came back.

����people in the town spoke highly of the dragon and horses .in order to share their memories of them .the town was named after them by people .the word ''long " is the symbole of the brave dragon and "ju" means the two horses .








