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����This year I have a happy spring featival with my family.All the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.During the dinner we have a small talk and play some games.

����Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get toghther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fighting.

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����New Year is a traditional Chinese festival. Everyone is excited about the New Year. And every family is dressed up. Some put New Year's couplets on the doorposts; Some have beautiful window flowers on the Windows, and red lanterns hung from the houses.

����This year, my mother took me and my good friends to the park in zhongshan park.

����In the air cushion paradise, there is a lot of people, but there are many activities. My friend and I were so happy that we hurried to the event. We first came to the rock climbing area, and when it was my turn to climb, I pulled hard up, always faster than my friends. But suddenly the cushion was deflected. Almost threw me down, and I grabbed my teeth and held on to the rope, then worked my way up until I finally got to the top. I think: as long as the effort will be successful.

����We were in the hovercraft again, and I was driving around, bumping into my friends, and getting dizzy with my friend. We were having a good time when it was time to return to shore.

����Then we played the snake cave, the emergency, the monkey tree, and so on.

����My friends and I are very happy and feel that the New Year is very meaningful.

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����Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival

����Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China�� Christmas cards become popular with students�� People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts�� A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on��Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing (����������) to youngsters�� Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival��

����This worry is fairly unnecessaryg Why �� One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians�� college students and joint-venture (������ҵ) workers�� Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities�� Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(������������) festival�� By contrast�� the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family��

����I think�� it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West�� a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China�� For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals�� For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year�� And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever��



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����Today, the sun is shining, from the annual traditional festival - the Spring Festival is still a week. I get up early in the morning, because my dad took me out today to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival.

����My father and I came to the mall, the shopping mall, the sea of people, bustling. The goods inside are dazzling and various, and I can see my dazzling. Buy special purchases for the Spring Festival people in a continuous line, all people are bursting with happiness and freshness. The Spring Festival is a day for adults, it is our children's festival, the mall children's toys, books, stationery counter was crowded with many little friends, very lively, the children to the wave of another wave, bought his favorite toy, leaving a cheerful laughter.

����My father and I bought new clothes, shoes and my favorite toy, happily walked out of the shop on the street, Malone street, the color is colorful than usual a lot, various people have, people shuttling between the major supermarkets, on the faces of the spring festival celebration. My father and I drove back to the home, today the purchase of special purchases for the Spring Festival to tell my mother what one sees and hears jubilant listening,

����Before the Spring Festival, every household was brightly lit at night, and the house was cleaned in a unique way. To buy special purchases for the Spring Festival stacked together, used to entertain relatives and friends. As a little friend, I like the Spring Festival the most, I hope that every day can be as lively and fun as the Spring Festival.

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����The Spring Festival is the most distinctive Chinese folk ceremonious traditional festival, is also one of the most lively an ancient festival. Generally refers to the first day, the first lunar month is the first day of a year, also called lunar year, commonly known as "Spring Festival". But in private, in the traditional sense of the Spring Festival is from the Greek festival of the day or month, 23 or 24 people, until the 19th day, among them with New Year's eve and the first day of the first lunar month. During the Spring Festival, China's han and many ethnic minorities will hold various activities to celebrate. These activities are to worship deities, worshiping ancestors, ChuJiuBuXin, meet jubilee blessing, pray for good harvest as the main content. Rich and colorful activities with strong ethnic characteristics.










