



���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ1

����Saturday, my classmates and I went to the zoo, the first bus ride to the wildlife park. We take pictures at the door and we went in. Before we saw the peacock, I saw two peacocks opened the screen, and then have a good beautiful peacock open screen. Later we went to read the tiger, he ran so fast. We went to see when the show, there are a lot of animals. See the beauty of the hands of a snake, monkey online cycling. After we finished dinner saw sea lions and dolphin shows. After reading it, we went home.


���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ2


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���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ3

����This is mother, she is 50 years old. She has got a big mouth. She like cooking in kitchen. Sometime she cooking��s very good.And she is very like talking with me too. She like eating rice and noodles. She is nice and helpful. I like my mother.

���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ4

����I have a lovely dog. He has a cute name ��Little Jack��. He��s my good friend. He is 5 years old. I take it as my family member. He often follows me like a guard. He can watch my house.

����I often play with him. I often take him outside for a walk on the weekends. He always waiting for me in front of the house when I go back home. When I am sad, he feels sad, too. He is anxious(������) to please me.

����My dog is so affectionate(������е�). I love my dog very much. Do you like it?

���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ5

����Connect dressed in colorful flower dress walked at a brisk steps is coming to us, the wind to see her become soft, the sun to see her become bright.

����See, in the field, a vibrant, the grass out of the little head head from soil, rubbed his sleepy eyes and a pale green the earth everywhere permeated with life; Peach, apricot, pear tree is like a game save enough time for people to show their most beautiful headdress, brilliant red, powder doodle, beautiful; A gust of wind blowing, catcher like green the ocean waves, large tracts of rape golden yellow open to perfection, numerous bees flying among the flowers, let a person can't help thinking of a children's song - "rape open golden yellow, attracted bees hum to sing, sing, songs of the warm spring."

����Children to take off the thick cotton-padded jacket packing, everyone wear colorful, dotted with this beautiful spring! Mischievously they watched every willow tree, found a hope to break the wicker, myself into hats, twist LiuDi, satisfiedly smile make and in the trees, a variety of unknown birds twittering in the branches of singing, the blue sky, white clouds... I can't help but think of zhu zi-qing said again "spring like a child, every day is new."

����People say that "the spring rain your such as oil", I still don't understand it is rain, how can is more precious than oil? Consecutive months of drought makes us flying sand blast, the hospital was full of cold patient, the harvest of the farmer uncle is faced with threats, was finally a spring rain eased, the rain thin, soft, close your eyes to a deep breath, ah! Good fresh air! I read from the people happy smiling face after the rain "the spring rain your such as oil"!

����Maybe some people like summer, some people like the autumn harvest, some people like the winter snow, but I'm more love beautiful spring!






���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ6

����Friday noon, dad for coming to meet me at the school to travel to ningbo.

����I take bus driving on the highway for an hour, in the famous hangzhou bay bridge, bridge on the east China sea, like a huge dragon across the hangzhou bay, majestic. From a distance has past island, under a bridge with the apron and buoy. Coach took 20 minutes to complete 36 km bridge in yuyao. I first came to the Ming and qing dynasties inherited Confucius temple, the threshold of the temple of Confucius is very high, the leg up too high to cross into, the tour guide said, this is because the Confucius temple are the sites of ancient learning, there are a lot of knowledge can go in.

����On Saturday, we left the old bund - three yuyao to ningbo. We took a cruise ship, see the beautiful buildings on both sides of the Taiwan new rows, make the person feels refreshing, just like our Shanghai pudong. In the evening, we return to Shanghai on the way to the jinshan delicious dinner, the farmers there is cooking stove, burn out food meal delicious, I ate three bowls of relief, chubby belly up.

����On the way home, I feel this travel very happy, not only see the magnificent ancient bridge and place for reading, and distinctive taste in food.


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���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ7

����XX is my good friend. She��s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She��s a model student. She��s clever and she��s helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn��t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. XX is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other.



���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ8

����A: Welcome to our school! Mr.Brown.

����Mr.Brown:nice to meet you!your school is beautiful.

����A:nice to meet you ,too.Look at the three-storey building over there. That`s our school library.

����Mr.Brown:Oh, what a big library it is!it must has many books.

����A:sure,there are all kinds of books which have wealth of information in the library.

����Mr.Brown:I believe all the students love it.

����A:Yes,Look,this is our playground,students like playing on it after school and when they have time.

����Mr.Brown: It's big enought for the sudent playing sport.

����A: These are our teaching buildings.There are many teachers with teaching experience in our school.they are very strict with students but kind.we all like them.

����Mr.Brown: what a excellent school.I hope our two schools can cooperate in teaching.

����A:that's a good idear.Let 's find time to talk about it .now,let me continue to show you around our school .you will find more advantages.

���꼶��Ӣ������ ƪ9

����Hello,everyone!Do you want to know anything about my vacation?Now let me tell you!I had a very exciting vacation.I went to Beijing.There are many special place there.For example,Hutong ��the Palace Museum��the Childrens' Palace and more.I went to the Hutong first.Oh~I think it was very relaxing.Then I went to the Palace Museum. It was great but very crowded and boring.In the evening,I ate the Sichuan food for dinner.It was very delicious! ����

����I think the summer vacation was very good!












