



��д�����Ӣ������ ƪ1

����Hear the voice of wind. Ah! Autumn is finally here!

����Garden, chrysanthemum competing opened! There are white the light yellow of ... .... Colorful chrysanthemums flourish in light wind, as if greeting them with people! Sweet-scented osmanthus trees out of the light yellow flowers. A wind blowing, a fresh wind into the nose, ah, really incense!

����Orchards, the apple red, like little brother's face. Aunts and uncles are tiptoe with apple picking. Thunk! A ripe apple from the tree fell down. Persimmon tree, hanging on a persimmon tree, far from looking like a red lantern! Grapes on a channeling channeling a , as one finally purple beads, purple was black, people really want a bite it.

����Fields, the endless golden rice, just like the earth covered with a layer of gold to the carpet. Farmers are busy on the busy man under, while cutting rice, while rice into basket. Face expression of joy and happiness.

����Autumn is a season of charming scenery, it is a harvest season. Ah! The fall, you really beautiful you!






��д�����Ӣ������ ƪ2

����Last night a strong wind "woo, woo" to scrap a whole night, until the early morning to stop. Morning, on the way to school, I found the sky was shaved blue, like the spring as translucent. Sky side of a red day, according to people in the warm, no longer like the summer so roast, giving a kind of feeling. A few snow white clouds dotted in which people look relaxed and happy.

����The wind of the autumn is like a magician, and it blushes the maple leaves in a red, like a stamp, and gives the news of the autumn. It is ginkgo leaves shaved golden yellow, like a small fan, fan fan ah, to the people fan to the fall of the information. It is the cell door of the two rows of persimmon tree persimmon shaved Huang Chengcheng, like a small bowls of light, heavy bending of the branches, to the people sent the sweet autumn. It is the grandfather kind of gourd scraped into a yellowish, shook the wind shake, as if to say: "my treasure gourd hidden in a lot of autumn secrets?" Every time I go through it always want to pick a look Look inside what hidden secret.

����The wind of autumn is warm, and it shines away from the heat of summer. It makes people out of the air-conditioned room, put on bright clothes to embrace nature. It let the grandfather grandmother out of the house, sitting downstairs empty field, basking in the sun, chatting parents in the short thing.

����Autumn wind is refreshing, it makes the grandmother's big flower dog, no longer like the summer spit tongue, breathing heavily, motionless lying on the ground. But jumping in the garden running around.

����This is the wind of autumn, it is not as wild as spring, not as hot as the summer, not as cold as the winter. It is pleasant, it is warm, it is colorful, I like the wind of autumn

��д�����Ӣ������ ƪ3

����Autumn�� cloudless�� the autumn wind stroke.

����Migratory birds are eager to fly to the south. Geese for a while in "people" glyph�� neatly flew through the air�� so�� don't listen to the migratory birds that ringing the songs and calls of. The sparrows chirp to busy looking for food�� the frog to dig holes�� ready to sleep comfortably�� such as spring up!

����The orchard�� a row of fruitful. Round apple like children face; Pear yellow�� like a small bottle gourd; Red hawthorn like a small lantern; A purple grapes�� like pearls were shining brilliantly.

����In the field�� the sorghum like drunk�� nodding; Corn is sleeping in the yellow clothes; Soybean small slope in the belly�� also jumped out; Chinese cabbage as soldiers lined up neatly arranged in in the vegetable garden. Farmers are busy reap the fruits of the year�� from time to time heard gales in the field...

����Ah�� the autumn scenery is beautiful!

��д�����Ӣ������ ƪ4

����Autumn with a golden, walked the pace of light quietly came to earth.

����Lawn on the maple on the floating a few slices of yellow with red leaves, like many birds in the fly, ah! The original is the autumn leaves to a long wings.

����A group of geese fly south, they were made into a "person" word, for a while and made a "one" word. The aunt of the trees on the slope of the maple aunt and aunt Liu Shu took off the green blouse; pine grandpa but still wearing a green blouse; chrysanthemum sister is open to the wind; the ground a small move a piece of West, not as lush as spring, not like summer Green. To look at the city slope of the children are wearing plush clothing.

����Orchard, fruitful, Begonia fruit shake it with a small round face, smiled at you nod; red Yan Yan seems to squeeze the fat doll together, unplug the green leaves, laughter to look out ... ...

����Wangcheng slope of the foot of the mountain is a golden field, rice yellow, like a layer of golden carpet, peasant uncle wiped sweat, thinking: a year of labor and harvest!

��д�����Ӣ������ ƪ5

����The wind of autumn is not as hot as summer, not as cold as winter. Autumn wind is pleasant, cool, colorful, very, very lovable.

����Autumn wind came to the field, gently blowing, rice sea turned the golden waves, sorghum lifted the burning torch.

����Autumn wind happy to go to the orchard, picked up a fan, the apple exposed red cheeks, pear trees hanging golden lanterns, grapes put on a purple coat, beautiful!

����Autumn wind can be funny. She quietly came to the garden, the garden of the sweet-scented osmanthus opened, a touch of fragrance fragrant, ten miles can smell it! Garden chrysanthemum contests, purple, white, pink ... ... colorful The

����Autumn wind jumped to a small river, she was hard to blow, golden leaves have to leave the arms of the mother's arms. So many leaves like a flying butterfly, fell into the river. The fish in the river put a piece of leaves as a parasol. Some small ants to move the winter food on the leaves, sit on the small. Autumn wind blowing, along the river back to the distant home ... ...

����I love both cool and pleasant autumn wind!










