
ʱ�䣺2018-02-02 17:56:40 Ӣ���ռ� ��ҪͶ��





����My extracurricular life is rich and colorful. There are rope skipping, painting and singing, and some games that cannot be named. These are not what I like, but my favorite is counting fans.

����Using a tile a piece of paper on the table, on the side of the paper about a CM fold a paper edge and parallel fold, then the paper back side, using the same method in parallel with side folding and the edge of the paper, so the two sides repeatedly folded finally a direction for the middle of the pack look, with double-sided adhesive on one side of the opening of the second together, fans like about it, want to let the fans more beautiful, you can draw a picture on a piece of paper, you can also make a hole in the middle half of the installation of a small stick, the fan is more perfect, it is also more.

����I love folding fan, because the folding fan is simple and quick, hot when you can quickly make a fan for my fan.


����Today, I told my mother and a bunch of people go to the Zeya tour. We first went to the edge of my aunt Zeya reservoir home orchard picking mandarinorange, big aunt home Ougan sweet and delicious, I took a lot of.

����At noon, we went to my mother's mother's mother's home (mom said it was ARI) for lunch. After lunch, we went to the country brook with cold water feet. I put my foot in the water, feeling like in the ice and snowy feet, all ice into the bone. But when I put my foot out, I felt that my feet were warm. The feet of ice spring are also very comfortable in winter.

����When we want to go back, suddenly, "rat-a-tat"! My cousin wood wood fell into the water. Everyone hurried him up, but it was late. His shoes and trousers were wet. We hurried back.


����Today, my parents and I went to Sha Jia Bang to play.

����The Sha Jia Bang reed reed scenic area has a unique historical human and natural ecological resources. There are areas such as revolutionary traditional education area, red stone folk culture village, National Defense Education Park, military training base and so on.

����Look! As soon as I entered the door I saw a snow-white reed, and a few butterflies were dancing in the reeds from time to time. Shajiabang scenic spot of chrysanthemum color, yellow gold, powder Ru Xia, red Sihuo, white as snow...... It gave out a scent of scent.

����The wild goose in the sky is sometimes arranged as "one" word line, and sometimes it is lined up as "man". Neatly fly to the south. I asked Dad, "Dad, can this scene describe it with the word" flying the wild goose south "?" When Dad listened, she felt my cute little face and laughed and said, "it's nice, it's nice!" Listening to this sentence, my heart is more sweet than eating honey!









