
ʱ�䣺2018-01-24 18:01:48 �п�Ӣ������ ��ҪͶ��


����1. �ص����


����1). It��s adj for sb to do ������ij����˵��

����2). �� so �� that �� ��ˡ� �����ڡ� �� too �� to do ̫�� �����ܡ�

����such �� that �� ��ˡ� �����ڡ�

����3). not��until�� ֱ�����š� ��: I didn��t go to bed until my mother came back.

����4).The reason why + ���� is that + ���� �� ��ԭ���ǡ�

����The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie. ( ��������.ԭ����������˵�˻ѡ�)

����5). That is why + ���� ���ǡ���ԭ��

����6). That is because + ���� ��������

����7). It is said that + ���� ��˵��

����It is reported that + ���� �ݱ�����

����8). There is no doubt that + ���� �������ʡ�

����9). It goes without saying that + ���� ���Զ�������������

����10). There is no need to do û��Ҫ����

����11). There is no point in doing ��ij�º�������

����12. as is known to all, +���� ������֪

����as we all know, +���� ��������֪

����it is generally/ publicly known / considered that��, ������֪

����2. �Ὠ��

����had better (not) do ���(��)��

����how about / what about doing �����

����I think you should do ����Ϊ��Ӧ�á�

����I suggest / advice that you should do �ҽ���������

����If I were you, I would do�� ��Ҫ����Ļ����һ�����

����It��s best to do �������

����Why not do / why don��t you do��? Ϊʲô����

����3. ��ʾϲ���͸���Ȥ

����like / love doing

����enjoy doing

����be fond of doing ϲ������

����be keen on n/doing ϲ������

����prefer to do A rather than do B ��Ը��AҲ��Ը��B

����be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing

����4. .Ŭ������

����try to doŬ������

����strive to do Ŭ������

����try one��s best to do = do one��s best to do �߾�ȫ������

����make efforts to do = make every effort to do ��������

����do what sb can (do ) to do ��������

����spare no effort to do ��������������

����do what / everything sb. can to do ��ij��ȫ������

����5. �������� / �ƻ�����

����intend / plan to do ��������

����be going to do ��������

����decide to do ��������

����determine to do��������

����be determined to do��������

����make up one��s mind to do �¶���������

����6. ��ʾ��/ϣ��

����want to do

����= would like to do ������

����hope to do ϣ������

����expect to do �ڴ�������

����wish to do ϣ������

����consider doing ��������

����7. ֻ��doing ������Ķ���

����finish ���/ practice ��ϰ / suggest���� / consider ���� / mind ���� / enjoy ϲ��doing


����look forward to doing ��������

����keep on doing �������

����dream of doing ��������

����can��t help doing �鲻�Խ�������

����keep / stop / prevent sb. from doing ��ֹij������

����be busy (in ) doing be busy with + ���� �����

����spend time / money (in )doing spend time / money on + ���� ����ʱ������

����have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing ��ÿ���

����have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing �� with + ���� ����������








